Data Source
Python REPL
# Hit SHIFT + ENTER to execute example code # Get all closed
airports in Great Britain df2 = df.query("type == 'closed' &
iso_country == 'GB'") df2
plugins = [
packages = ["pandas"]
import pandas as pd
from pyodide.http import open_url
import sys
title = "Pandas (and basic DOM manipulation)"
page_message = "This example loads a remote CSV file into a Pandas dataframe, displays it and lets you manipulate it through a Python REPL"
url = ""
Element("header-title").element.innerText = title
Element("page-title").element.innerText = title
Element("page-message").element.innerText = page_message
Element("txt-url").element.value = url
# Depending on the type of DOM element, there are several alternative methods to write to it
# Element("id-of-dom-element").write("example")
# Element("id-of-dom-element").innerText = "example"
# Element("id-of-dom-element").value = "example"
# Element("id-of-dom-element").element.innerText = "example"
# Element("id-of-dom-element").element.value = "example"
# js.document.getElementById("id-of-dom-element").innerText = "example"
# js.document.getElementById("id-of-dom-element").value = "example"
df = pd.DataFrame()
def loadFromURL(*args, **kws):
global df
# clear dataframe & output
df = pd.DataFrame()
Element("pandas-output-inner").element.innerHTML = ""
url = Element("txt-url").element.value
log ("Trying to fetch CSV from " + url)
df = pd.read_csv(open_url(url))
Element("pandas-repl") = "block"
Element("pandas-output") = "block"
Element("pandas-dev-console") = "block"
display (df, target="pandas-output-inner", append="False")
def log(message):
# log to pyscript dev console
print (message)
# log to JS console
js.console.log (message)